Membership of Business Botswana is voluntary and is open to registered companies, associations/organizations in both the private and parastatal sectors of the economy. An Application Form must be completed by every company wishing to be a member of Business Botswana.
From the information supplied by the applicant, Business Botswana is able to determine the annual subscription to be paid and the Sector under which the new members falls in addition to other information such as ownership of the new member company, and the gender component of the employees.

Business Development Services
DURATION : 2 days
TARGET GROUP: The course is meant for first line supervisors and middle managers in private, parastatal and public sector
- Have a clear understanding of the concept of supervision, and what the job of supervisor entails.
- Be able to perform the core functions of planning and decision making, organizing, coordinating and controlling.
- Effectively carry out the supervisory responsibilities of managing operations, managing resources, managing people and managing information.
- Be effective leaders of their work teams.
- Be able to communicate effectively at all levels of the organization and in particular with their team members.
- Use their time at work optimally.
DURATION : 2 days
TARGET GROUP: Front line officers, Receptionist, messengers, drivers, marketing officers, IR managers, union leaders, supervisors, HR managers
- Identify ways to establish the links between excellence in customer service and participants business practices and policies.
- Recognize what employees are looking for to be truly engaged.
DURATION : 2 days
TARGET GROUP: This is a basic entry module with no academic qualifications required; it is ideal for managers/ directors working in non-financial functional areas such as Administration, Marketing, Sales, IT, Engineering, Production etc.
- Understand the basic principles and elements of finance, allowing them to play a more active role in participating in financial decision making processes.
- Understand financial management and the role of accounting processes therein.
- Understand and communicate better with finance specialist in their enterprises.
- To enable participants understanding the difference between financial accounting and financial management and appreciate the need to ensure enterprise are adequately financed.
DURATION : 2 days
TARGET GROUP: This module is meant for supervisors, middle managers, senior executives and Human Resources Practitioners of organisations in the public, private and parastatal sectors who are charged with the responsibility of ensuring discipline in their various organizations, and may be expected to initiate or conduct or chair disciplinary and grievance hearings.
- Have a clear understanding of the legal framework within which disciplining of employees occur
- Know the rights and obligations of each party in a disciplinary hearing
- Be able to distinguish between procedural and substantive fairness, and the standards of proof used to determine fairness.
- Be able to conduct a fair disciplinary hearing and impose an appropriate sanction
- Effectively deal with employee grievance, following the appropriate procedure.
DURATION : 2 days
TARGET GROUP: This module is meant for supervisors, middle managers and Human Resource practioners of the organization in the public, private and parastatals sectors who area charged with the responsibility of managing people relations
- Be able to explain what industrial /Labour Relations means
- Have a clear understanding of the legal framework that governs the management of industrial/Labour Relations in Botswana.
- Be able to calculate basic pay, overtime and leave pay.
- Understand the rights and obligations and the Employer and Employee in the work environment.
- Be able to effectively manage Industrial/Labour Relations in a Unionsed environment.
DURATION : 2 days
TARGET GROUP: This module is meant for industrial relation practioners and line mangers in the public and private sector, who must create a conducive and enabling environment and harmonious relations in a unionized workplace. The programme will also assist who participate in union-management negotiations
- Have a clear understanding of the essence of labour relations and the importance of maintaining good labour/industrial relations in the enterprise.
- Have a clear understanding of the legal framework that governs the management labour relations in Botswana.
- Have an appreciation of what trade unions do in the workplace.
- Have grasped the basic principles, and rights and obligations of both employers and unions.
- Be able to effectively manage labour relations in a unionised environment.
- Conduct effective negotiations with trade unions
- What is meant by productivity and what the classic productivity problems are?
- Identify roots causes and potential remedies of production and performance
- Setting individual performance objectives
- Reflected on their own role in improving performance
- Create a delegation plan
- Identify three productivity targets for their enterprises
- Developed and implementation plan to improve an aspect of productivity
- Definition of quality.
- History and development of quality concepts
- Developed strategies to exceed customer expectations
- Reviewed a quality management framework
- Mobilizing the team to improve quality
- Identify relevant quality standard bodies for their enterprise.
- Implement quality improvements
- Identified the core components of a triple bottom line approach
- Created a diagnostic tool for SME’s to examine the triple bottom line
- Reflected on how to change company culture
- Lean production concept in relation to both manufacturing and service delivery
- Reflected on the business potential of environmentally sound practices
- Developed part of a business plan for green business
- Prepare an action plan to implement workplace improvements
- Established effective ways of working together
- Explored the relationship between the enterprise and the employees
- Examine a range of approaches to increasing productivity by improving workplace morale
- How to motivate current employees
- Identified how to increase the skills and knowledge of employees
- Setting learning objectives and coaching staff
- Identified ways of resolving classic tricky HR issues
- Workplace improvement plan.
- Shared experiences of OSH in the workplace
- Identified the potential OSH hazards in a work setting
- Undertaken as OSH risk management
- Developed some key messages for improving awareness and commitment to safety at work
- Identified the signs and symptoms of stress in the workplace
- Measures can be implemented to improve staff well-being
- OSH policy for their enterprise
- Plan to improve occupational safety and well-being at work.
- Shared what they currently do in marketing their business
- Mind mapped who their customers are and what they want
- Explored the 4P’s of marketing
- Developed a short marketing strategy
- Reflected on how to improve the image and reputation of the business
- Developing newsworthy stories about their businesses
- Identified free marketing opportunities
- Prepare action plan for implementation aspects of the marketing strategy
- Identified the classic problems in organizing a small business
- How to be more efficient in the collection, storage and retrieval of information
- Explored the key concepts relating to financial management in their business
- Identified how to reduce overheads and costs
- The obstacles to being personally productive and how to be a positive role model to others
- Identified how to improve productivity through better time management
- Examined tools that will aid them in becoming more effective.
- Prepare action plan to implement an aspect of improvement through good business administration and management

Institute of Development Management (IDM)
Centre for the Development Enterprise (CDE) Board
Human Resources Advisory Council
Botswana Accountancy Oversight Board (BAOA)
National Economic Diversification Council (NEDC)
National Doing Business Committee (NDBC)
Botswana National Productivity Centre (BNPC)
The Public Procument and Asset Disposal Board (PPADC)
Business Economic Advisory Council (BEAC)
Botswana Institute Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA)
Botswana Investment & Trade Centre (BITC)
Human Resource Development Council (HRDC)
Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA)
Botswana Qualification Authority (BQA)
Botswana Bureau of Standard (BOBS)
Botswana Development Corporation (BDC)
Bank of Botswana (BOB)
Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (DCEC)
Public Enterprise Evaluation & Privatisation Agency (PEEPA)
Botswana Telecommunications Authority (BTA)
Local Enterprise Authority (LEA)
Private Sector Development Programme (PSDP) Management Committee
Construction Industry Training Fund (CITF)
Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board (BAMB)
Botswana Business Coalition on AIDS (BBCA)
National Agricultural Research & Development Institute
NGO Council
Orange Foundation
Central Bursaries Committee
Industrial Court
Factories Advisory Board
Economic Technical Committee
Various District Development Committees
Labour Advisory Board
Minimum Wages Advisory Board
Rural Development Council
Vision 2016
Rural Development Council (RDC)

Policy Advocacy
- Organized the business sector to be a major player in the formulation of many national economic issues.
- Initiated the debate on the need for “A Longâ€Term Vision or Botswana”.
- Establishment and institutionalization of the HLCC in 1996 (Business Botswana called for the establishment of the HLCC from 1988)
- Privatization Policy for Botswana (Business Botswana initiated the privatization debate)
- Got Government to agree to the payment of a delayed payment penalty of 1.5% per month to the private sector.
- Liberalization/abolition of Exchange Controls in Botswana.
- Lowering of both the corporate and personal Tax from a high of 35% to a low of 15% for manufacturing and 25% as a general tax rate for Botswana.
- Maintenance of a stable Industrial Relations regime through the training of employers and employees in Industrial Relations and maintaining a unique system of dialogue and mutual respect between Business Botswana and the Botswana Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU).
- Nationalized the debate on Citizen Economic Empowerment
- Broke the communication barrier between the private sector and top Government Officials.
- Raised the status for the role of the private sector in nation building.
- Established the National Business Council (NBC)
As a result of BB’s advocacy, procedures for starting and operating a business continue to improve as follows:
- Easy Business name registration
An online search system has been developed by Companies & Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) and allows the applicant to check names that have already been reserved. Therefore, the businessman does not have to waste time trying to register a business name that is already in use.
- Simplification of Tax Payments
An online system for submission of tax returns and payment is now in place, allowing business to focus on opportunities instead of compliance
- PPADB abolishes submission of tax clearance certificates
PPADB no longer requires bidders to submit tax clearance certificates. This is now a back office function for BURS and PPADB
- Employment of seasonal farm labour
The Government has simplified the procedures for the hiring of foreign agricultural workers during the harvest season.
- Tender compliance and other certification requirements lifted
The government has lifted several tender compliance and other certification requirements across Ministries and departments to ease the environment for doing business in Botswana.
- One Stop Service Centre
A one stop shop offering immigration, power and water connections and licences are to investors has been established.
Welcome to
Business Botswana
Business Botswana is a private sector Organisation functioning as: Chamber of Commerce Employer Organisation and Business representative body We are the first port of call for business!!! .
29 Jan